Add Product Services

Order point-of-sale devices online

B2B Web design, E-commerce, FinTech

Case Study

Project Overview
The Problem:
Currently, the only way to order a point-of-sale device from Elavon is to call a sales representative. To stay competitive in today’s market, Elavon needs to provide a way for customers to order what they need without speaking to a sales representative.

The Solution:
Design an e-commerce experience that allows users to order point-of-sale devices for their business.

The Results:
This is a net-new experience and has not yet been released to production.
My Contributions
My Role:
  • Executed end-to-end UX design process
  • Worked closely with Product Manager to define requirements
  • Worked closely with software developers to ensure designs implemented accurately
  • Defined user journey and task flows
  • Performed competitor analysis
  • Designed wireframes, mid-fidelity, and high fidelity mockups
  • Conducted user research using UserZoom
Product screenshots
This is a net-new experience, so the minimum viable product (MVP) version of the project focuses on the ability to purchase 2 point-of-sale devices, Moby/5500 and talech Terminal. The entry-point for this experience is an existing marketplace within an Elavon account management portal.

The long-term vision for the Add Product Services project is to design and build an e-commerce experience that allows Elavon’s customers to shop for hardware, software, and other services via a marketplace that is product agnostic.


Users and their journey


People using this experience are current Elavon customers who own a small to medium-sized business (SMB).

They need to purchase a point-of-sale (POS) device to take in-person payments for their business.

Journey & tasks

Using personas developed by the research team, I defined the user’s journey and tasks they would need to complete in order to successfully order a POS device.

Journey map
Task: Navigate to marketplace
Task: Add to cart

Designing while defining

Initially, requirements for this project were unclear, so I put together screens from other projects to start defining a potential flow. This exercise helped me to collaborate with my Product Manager to further define requirements and uncover questions and gaps.

Initial entry-point wireframes
Mid-fidelty wireframes

Usability testing

I created a prototype using Figma, developed a usability testing plan, then used UserZoom to conduct an unmoderated usability test.


16 SMB customers

Key Measurements:
Task success and qualitative feedback

Research Objectives: 

Success Criteria:



Pain points

Affinity map


Iteration & implementation

Based off of the research findings, I iterated and ran the flow through a few design critique sessions. I worked with my development team to annotate the designs as needed to ensure accurate implementation.

Final entry-point
Final flow: Moby/5500
Final flow: talech Terminal

What's next & reflection

What's Next

After the MVP release, the plan is to begin discovery to help inform how to position software offers in the marketplace in a way that customers will understand.


This was a project with a quick turnaround time and was the first project I worked on at Elavon, so there was a steep learning curve.

I had interesting constraints to work with, such as, the entry point in the account management software. The various constraints proved to be a good opportunity to solve some complicated problems. The team also lost our Product Manager in the middle of the project, so it was a great opportunity to heavily collaborate with the Product Owner and Software Developers to make sure we were building what we should when we should.

Want to work together?

If you like what you see and want to work together, get in touch!